Empowering Canadians With Modern Hiring Solutions

Use a powerful platform that optimizes every stage of the hiring process, from initial discovery to ongoing employment.

Who Should Use Jobso


Get instant access to a diverse talent pool beyond what an individual agency can offer. Take advantage of Jobso’s free 3-month trial with unlimited access to all our platforms to determine the level of service that works for your organization.

Search by talent type

Discover the best candidates for the job

Ensure talent has required documentation and certifications


Applying for a job has never been easier. Discover new jobs, apply in minutes, and start working. Follow up on applications with built-in updates, interview functionality, and private chats—all in one place.

Instant access to available jobs

Find employment within your surrounded area

Built-in payment options (cheque or direct deposit)


Discovering new talent is challenging for any agency. Simplify the process with complete visibility into a diverse pool of talent. Quickly onboard new talent and stay ahead of rising employment demands.

Fully manage your talent pool in one place

Add unused talent or borrow needed talent

Applicants can apply to join your agency

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a simpler hiring process through technology-driven solutions that empower both employers and employees. We believe in making it easier for companies to discover the best candidates, for agencies to grow their talent pool, and for jobseekers to find meaningful employment.

Track, Hire, Scale Job interviewing Like a Pro

Employers gain greater flexibility and control over the hiring process. Recruiters maximize efficiency with instant access to specialized talent.

Effortlessly Manage Work

Employees can manage upcoming shifts, pay, and hours worked all on one easy-to-use platform. Managing your time and work has never been easier.

why jobso
why jobso

Jobso Hiring Solutions

Access a Deep Talent Pool

You know who you’re looking for. Find candidates faster through a broad range of skills and a verified network of staffing agencies.

Hire With Confidence

Verify potential hires and agency partnerships. Choose employees and agencies based on in-depth performance ratings from businesses like yours.

Scale on Demand

Effortlessly adapt to increased demand. Hire a verified professional in 24 hours or less. Fulfill one-off tasks, complex projects, and longer-term contracts.

Monitor What Matters

Confirm the attendance of your new hire an hour before work begins. Eliminate punch clocks with real-time verification of completed hours.

Modernize Your Hiring Process

Your organization has unique hiring needs—partner with a company that knows how to achieve them. Jobso’s caters to your unique staffing requirements giving you access to the talent you need when you need it.

Work with the hiring experts that are trusted by Canada’s leading employers. Work with Jobso.

why jobso

Connect With Our Team

Have questions about our platform? Fill out the forms below and a member of our team will get back to you.